Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Light We Bear

This is for the broken.  For the depressed, the wounded, the discouraged, for the addict, and for every human being that cries out in despair and wishes that they could be someone else.  This is for all of you who have been lied to, attacked, for those whose hearts have been shattered and scarred, for those who cannot go on.  Know that this is not the end.  Know that there is a tomorrow, that the story does not end here.  Do not despair.

For you are not a creature of darkness, although all the lies of the Enemy speak otherwise.  You are far more than flesh and blood, and you are not a being of desperate wickedness.  Though the Devil assaults you at every turn, and your very body seems to war against you, know this: that in your heart of hearts, in your deepest soul, in the most truest place of your being, you are good.

You are good.  Let this soak into your soul for a moment.  Absorb it, drink it in, like the parched ground drinks up fresh water.  You are good, and your God has not abandoned you.  For when your Father made you, he said, "It is good."  Doubt not, then, that you are still good, and think not that your perfection has been lost until eternity comes.  For it is still within you, though you have forgotten it.  Awaken your soul, delve into this lost place within you.  You were made unique, and pure.  Even though your flesh rebels against you daily, even though Satan's lies fly like arrows overhead, you are still a being of light, a beautiful creature, a wonderful soul.

For when the Messiah cried out and gave up his life, your body of sin died.  And when he arose on the third day, your perfect heart was restored to you.  He has taken your old self to the depths of Hell, cast it into the Lake of Fire to be burned up, and he has brought back the true you, given you back your lost perfection.

So then, despair no more, but rejoice, rejoice in yourself and your gifts!  Rejoice for those around you, for they are made as new!  If your gift is the gift of writing, then write as a messenger of the Lord.  If your gift is speaking, then let your words come like a storm upon the ocean.  If your gift is to be kind, then let all your brothers and sisters rejoice in your kindness.  If yours is the gift of thinking, then think on the deep things of life, and uncover the truths of life.  If your gift is of action, then do great things for the Kingdom of God.  The gifts that God has granted to us all are as grains of sand on the seashore, and a handful of each has been granted to us all.  So do not hold back, but let the sands flow, let your light shine out, bright and glorious in the power of the Father.  Rejoice in yourself, creature of light and love.  For you are good, and you are loved, and you have a place.  Take your seat at the table, and raise your glass with your brothers and sisters, and with the Messiah who has given your soul back to you.

This is not the end, but rather the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. May all Believers come to understand and KNOW this in their hearts.
